Growing up, I never, I repeat NEVER, ask how a baby is born..
(TV shows always show little kids ask how a baby come into the world)
As always, I have my theories to most things in the world
(even though they aren't right, most of the times XD , hey! some of my theories are correct)
and when I was young, my theories were some weird, wrong, slightly correct, funny and so right..
Growing up, the theories that I've made, has it's improvement..
Especially this one, about how a baby is born or how it came to be..
Because of learning and growing, my theories are mostly reasonable..
so this was one of my theories..
When I was small, I didn't know much so I kinda conclude that when a guy's private just pass by the girl's part, a baby will eventually come out in nine months.. I know it's stupid.. It was just a pass by, so when i was small, I always pass by, accidentally pass by a guy's pants, I thought I was gonna be pregnant soon.. i was so stupid to make that know when you walk by a crowded place, and you bump into people?, that's what I meant by pass by..
So, I grew up,
Still holding on to that theory.. Until I reach the age of 12, if I'm not mistaken, I finally knew exactly how it happen, but at that age, I still carry on with that theory even though I knew the truth..
(my theory is funny eh?)
At 13-14, i kinda knew, due to watching too many movies.. TV whatsoever..
At 15 we have this science class and it was one of the topics where it explains it clearly and it confirm everything..
I'm not gonna say where babies come from because I'm afraid that kids who aren't suppose to know certain things read this blog so.. I can't say, and please readers, please respect and don't go post a comment on how it happen..
Sorry kids, you'll know eventually..
Oh ya, something pop into my head, there's this Singapore movie named I'm not stupid too.. where the little boy ask his family where do babies come from and the grandma said laksa tang (meaning: laksa soup), and his nanny said that babies come from la sap tang (meaning: rubbish bin) LoL
so that's my one of my stupid theories..
leave a comment ya.. (^_^)
Tell me your theory of where babies come from(if you have any)
Have a nice day!