Monday, August 15, 2011

Random: How do I do my designs?

People keep on asking me how to do it.
If I post this someone would probably give me a scolding but I don't care, I want to be able to teach people or share my experiences with people in the future. We shall learn things together ya?
I have a motto when I do my design and that is Do Not Be Afraid To Try.
Lots of my designs I just go along with it and if there are some that I like, I will use the method in my other future designs. Sometimes I have this certain design on my head and not sure if it would come out nice or whether it works well or not. I just do it. If you don't do it, you will never know whether it suits the thing you are doing. You just never know until you try.
If there are mistakes, Just cover it up.
I make lots of mistakes before. Like when I do a curve and it looks weird, I will keep on making extra layers until I'm satisfied or when I draw things overboard and I don't like it. I'll put another design to cover it or just make up another design(I tent to draw things so close to each other until the ink spreads to the other design, so yeah).
Look around.
Get inspired by other design or an object. I went to a boot camp for interior designers and one of the speaker has his own company and he said if you get stuck and couldn't get an idea, just go out(or just take a break), look around, be inspired, then come back and do your work. He say his best ideas come from when he go to the toilet. XD
Sometimes I look around and thought hey, that looks nice, I could try that and apply in my designs.

So yeah, I hope this helps-ish. All the best! Thanks for reading!

Have a nice day!

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