Monday, February 7, 2011

My life me: It's day 6

So it's day 6 of Chinese New Year, which means 8 more days until Chap Goh Meh!!!

I know I promise a lot of pictures, but I didn't have chance to take... I was busy helping my aunty for her "Open House" on the first day, busy serving people coming my house on the second day, busy visiting people on the third day and on the forth day I sent my sister to the airport and stayed at home all day, I was wiped out.


It was also hard to take picture since it was smoke all over the atmosphere...
Anyways, here are some pics...

This is the flower that my mother took from my aunty's house because she have too many flowers. We do it every year...

This is the Chinese New Year's Eve's dinner... I know it ain't fancy but it's delicious... You see the food in the round container thingy? That's the kind of food we have to eat every year before starting the dinner(It's my grandmother's traditions that I don't get) It has to be eaten accordingly, you can't just simply take anything, it has to be in order... Each food represents something. I can't remember which or what but it goes something like this, you eat this certain stuff and you hoped for long life, then you eat another and hope to have wealth,(you know how Chinese people love wealth, health, longevity and what not) something like that, I wasn't listening to my grandmother's words.

This is one example of the "junk food" you will eat when you visit people... This is taken from my uncle's house.

This is taken on the first day. Some big shot of Sarawak came to my aunty's house. I think it's the TYT, the ministers and some other important people. The police escort is from the TYT though. The other important people of Sarawak don't need protection like he does. It's kinda cool. Finally got a picture of this. Always wanted to many years ago when I first saw it. Couldn't before because I didn't have a camera with me every year until this year I got a camera phone. Haha...

So this is my Chinese New Year, the first few days are when all the action happens, so now I look forward to Chap Goh Meh when I get to play lanterns!! Yay! *I'm so acting like a kid now*

If you celebrated Chinese New Year let me know. If you visited someone during the festival let me know. If you visited Chinatown during the festival let me know. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU DO!!!

Have a nice day!!

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